Synthetic Tokens

Everyday, new concepts and protocols are introduced to Crypto World. Today, we are going to mainly to talk about Synthetic Assets and Tokens. Let’s firstly, look at what are Synthetic Assets. Basically, they are financial instruments that simulate or imitate other instruments while changing key characteristics. For example, here might be a Synthetic Asset relying […]


Web3 is the new era of the internet. Centralized Network has a great influence on the development of Web2. However, web2 is not enough to own what we have on the internet. Here is Web3 for solving this problem. Let’s see how the Internet is evaluated: Web1: For the very first time, in about 1991, […]

Crypto Rug Pulls

One of the biggest dangers in crypto investment is rug pulls. In the last years crypto assets worth of billions of USD was lost by investors due to rug pulls. In this article I will explain what is rug pull, how it is executed by crypto scammers and how to avoid them. What is a […]

What is Hodling?

“Hodling” definition is considered to be an encouragement to other crypto investors not to sell when prices fall and wait for a longer time. It refers to “buy-and-hold” strategy. “Buy-and-hold” investors hold their assets for an extended period of time to profit from the long-term value appreciation. In contrast to this, traders are more active […]

How Crypto Enables Economic Freedom

Donec vel pellentesque nisl, molestie tempus ligula. Cras massa turpis, pretium nec placerat ornare, sodales ac urna. Sed commodo semper fermentum. Phasellus bibendum lorem nisi, et efficitur sapien dapibus sed. Suspendisse iaculis erat ut enim tincidunt, vitae bibendum lorem mattis. Quisque sed nunc quis nisi aliquam dictum at ac velit. Suspendisse orci nunc, condimentum sit […]

7 NFT Games to Play-to-Earn

Aliquam eget turpis vehicula, auctor elit ac, rutrum turpis. Donec enim elit, interdum eu tellus quis, fermentum vehicula dolor. Praesent in quam erat. Nam rutrum justo vitae eros efficitur accumsan. Phasellus scelerisque, massa ut venenatis tristique, purus arcu volutpat orci, blandit varius nisl orci ut arcu. Sed pharetra non leo a cursus. Donec nunc nisl, […]

Are NFTs The Future of Photography?

Donec vel pellentesque nisl, molestie tempus ligula. Cras massa turpis, pretium nec placerat ornare, sodales ac urna. Sed commodo semper fermentum. Phasellus bibendum lorem nisi, et efficitur sapien dapibus sed. Suspendisse iaculis erat ut enim tincidunt, vitae bibendum lorem mattis. Quisque sed nunc quis nisi aliquam dictum at ac velit. Suspendisse orci nunc, condimentum sit […]

4 Strategies to Consider When Investing in a Bear Market

Mauris et sagittis eros. Maecenas eu ex egestas turpis mollis tempus eu a augue. Quisque eleifend vel tortor et elementum. Praesent et sagittis ligula. Duis vel tincidunt libero. Cras maximus eros non quam convallis consectetur. Proin sed dignissim dolor. Aliquam interdum, tortor a viverra convallis, mi nisl congue lacus, dictum aliquam nisl neque vitae magna. […]